Monday, November 9, 2015

Gather Those Links That Are Scattered All Over The Place

What fun I am having gathering all those "loose links" scattered all over my web browsers' favorites and my G+ files.

I am going to start adding those years worth of links from my browser next.  I am including all those I found for my family names also.

It occurred to me in the night [my best thinking time], to add links for future use, like when I start actually trying to write up my family history.  How to write, how Not to write, ect...
Also I will add some favorite blog sites so I can easily find them.

It is so frustrating when you found a great site, saved it "somewhere", then can never find it again.  Thanks again to Thomas MacEntee for getting us started on the toolbox idea.

Friday, November 6, 2015

The wonderful world of genealogy toolboxes

We can replace our old-fashioned filing cabinets to a certain
degree by using online toolboxes that contain our
online links to great genealogy sites.

After being introduced to the idea by Thomas MacEntee, I have 
become a true fan.  We gather so many great links to websites that
have added to our understanding of our family history, 
only to find them lost in a maze of saved "favorites" on our 
brower's list.  I have over 300 links saved for personal, business, 
crafting, photography and of course, genealogy.

This method of gathering those wonderful links in a simple
sorted place is wonderful.   I decided to make each
subject a different page on my blog so I can just
click on the page and pick the site I need.

I may do the same for all the different parts of my life.
I don't know about you, but trying to remember my credit card's 
log-in page, or the address of the house get the picture.

This site is a work in progress.  I will be adding links
from time to time.  You are free to use them for your own research.